america's drama team

9:45 AM / Posted by Alan C. / comments (0)

So are people really that surprised about the meltdown in dallas? I mean everyone with a pulse kind of expected this to happen eventually right? I think most people assumed that once the Cowboys started to struggle, once any receiver on that team caught more passes than TO, that the monster of all egos would rear its ugly, loud-mouthed head and initiate the beginning of the end. I am surprised it took this long. Thats the only shocking part for me.

But what I love about all of this is that ESPN keeps showing the clip of TO crying because people were saying bad things about "his quarterback" Tony Romo. If you haven't seen it you might be missing out on brilliant television work. Its not only ESPN's preferred lead-in for the continuing drama, its also filler. Meaning ESPN doesn't want you to forget, even for a moment, that TO is the biggest baby on the planet.

So apparently Romo and Witten are drawing up secret plays in order to exclude TO from the offense. What evidence does TO have of this? None. He tells the media that the QB/TE have secret meeting and secret plays designed to get Witten the ball. And then provides zero evidence to back up his claim. And isn't it at all interesting that this conspiracy only emerged after Keyshawn Johnson said on national tv that Romo seems to have more trust in Witten than in TO? Could Key have been the catalyst in this whole situation?

No. Terrell Owen's megalomaniacal mind latched on to 1 man's opinion and began to obsess, and then he became paranoid. Which led to delusional behavior. I am not a mental heath expert, but I think these are signs of serious mental disorder.


obligatory title

11:40 PM / Posted by Alan C. / comments (0)

Alright, its time I entered the fray. First things effing last (name the movie), I agree with Ryan. About what? About most things, and usually not everything. We get along just fine that way.

He came to me with an idea I was sure to be on-board with before he fully explained the idea. Its usually how things are with us. Its how we ended up in San Francisco for New Year's in a car that wasn't ours. Its also how we stole a car the night we became instant friends. The two events are unrelated, yet very connected. So when approached with the idea of writing a blog about our random musings, I was obviously already penning ideas in my head.

So we will write about sports, our love of them, our biases, our frustrations with how the teams we root for routinely avoid any semblance of wanting to field a competitive roster. And we will write about how you Americans--yes, you elephants--don't understand the Beautiful Game. And this makes us angry and frustrated and sad all at once. I suppose Ryan will muse on the merits and virtues of Premier League Soccer, I will wax eloquent on Serie A, and AC Milan in specific.

But it won't all be about sports. Lovers of beer are we, and of good food and music. Occasionally we will tell you about great places to drink a pint, to catch a band, eat a brownie dessert known only as "the bomber".

I think thats all I have for now. Expect future blogs to be more amusing. That goes for both of us. Como Out!


First things

6:40 PM / Posted by Ryan / comments (0)

I don’t know what to do with a blog, but quite a few people (some of whom I even respect) seem to think blogs are a good idea so I guess we'll give it a go. I don’t even know what a ‘blog’ is. I mean, I’m familiar with the concept, but how did we get here? So I looked it up. It’s short for weblog, and apparently it is just a journal, albiet with an audience and hyperlinks. Memoirs with the conceit of not being retrospective. Well, I’ve kept a journal for years so this shouldn’t be too difficult of a transition. Having stepped into this now, what exactly are the standards? Do we address you, the ever present reader, or are you the elephant in the room? Do we have to write daily? Do we need a theme? I am a huge fan of standards as they play nicely into my completely unfounded sense of elitism, but I look around the World Wide Web and it appears that there are none whatsoever. Looks like you elephants will have to indulge our flights of fancy as they swing o’er philosophical ranting, sports commentary, local cuisine, and random biographical nostalgia. The central theme will be the reflection of our intellectual meanderings and as such most of what ends up here will be our own opinions, some original, some colored more heavily by other’s thoughts and some ripped off wholesale, but go read Neal Stephenson’s Anathem for a fun little illustration of the vanity of original thought. Or the copyright to Days of War, Nights of Love. Or Ecclesiastes.

I am sure that no one is going to read this without having substantial personal exposure to us already, but on the off chance that someone is bored and stumbles across this by hitting the I Feel Lucky button, I guess I’ll start with a justification of our chosen name. First of all, this should be an imperative: if you are going to start a blog with a clever name, say, back in 2002, and then not post for the next 6 years DELETE THE BLOG. Or don't be foolish enough to post your home address unless you want some future blogger to come drag you into the street to physically vent some of the frustration of spending a half an hour trying to find some domain name that is appropriate and witty. To all of you, I hate you. That being said I don't want the chosen title of our blog to give the impression that this will be a bludgeoning of provincial sporting convictions. We will try to keep that to a mere smattering, at most. The name was chosen from our undivided affection for all things West Coast. The coast itself, and all accompanying beaches and subsequent recreational pursuits are more pleasant. The weather is nicer for longer. The people are prettier. Everything about this edge of the country is better. And that assertion is in no way related to the fact that my entire family moved back east and now I never get to see them.
