america's drama team

9:45 AM / Posted by Alan C. /

So are people really that surprised about the meltdown in dallas? I mean everyone with a pulse kind of expected this to happen eventually right? I think most people assumed that once the Cowboys started to struggle, once any receiver on that team caught more passes than TO, that the monster of all egos would rear its ugly, loud-mouthed head and initiate the beginning of the end. I am surprised it took this long. Thats the only shocking part for me.

But what I love about all of this is that ESPN keeps showing the clip of TO crying because people were saying bad things about "his quarterback" Tony Romo. If you haven't seen it you might be missing out on brilliant television work. Its not only ESPN's preferred lead-in for the continuing drama, its also filler. Meaning ESPN doesn't want you to forget, even for a moment, that TO is the biggest baby on the planet.

So apparently Romo and Witten are drawing up secret plays in order to exclude TO from the offense. What evidence does TO have of this? None. He tells the media that the QB/TE have secret meeting and secret plays designed to get Witten the ball. And then provides zero evidence to back up his claim. And isn't it at all interesting that this conspiracy only emerged after Keyshawn Johnson said on national tv that Romo seems to have more trust in Witten than in TO? Could Key have been the catalyst in this whole situation?

No. Terrell Owen's megalomaniacal mind latched on to 1 man's opinion and began to obsess, and then he became paranoid. Which led to delusional behavior. I am not a mental heath expert, but I think these are signs of serious mental disorder.



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